Product Highlights & Supporting Resources is an interactive, online tool that meets USDA criteria for approved nutrition education contacts. Since 2006, has provided an engaging and unique approach to self-paced learning for thousands of WIC participants.

Product Highlights

Benefits to Participants

Interactive learning supports reinforcement of key concepts and improves content retention

Colorful graphics, photos, and videos that enhance learning, assist with literacy challenges, and promote cultural inclusion

Trusted and reliable resources managed by WIC staff

Simple language, legible font sizes, clean design, and suitable use of "white space" supports an attractive user-friendly interface

Benefits to Staff

Intuitive user management and lesson reporting

Control of resource library for articles, videos, and website links

Generation of surveys and reports

Creation of decision trees

Alerts and notices postings, with linking capabilities

Lesson completion data integrated with MIS system (additional cost for setup) can be customized to meet specific needs. Your unique solution can be discussed upon request.
Click here to download a printable PDF of our Product Highlights.